• History of Soul, a comprehensive series of double CDs chronicling the evolution of soul from its beginnings in the churches of the southern states through the dance halls of the chittlin' circuit to the sophisticated supper clubs of the urban centres. Motown is an American record company. The record company was founded by Berry Gordy Jr. as Tamla Records on January 12, 1959, and was incorporated as Motown Record Corporation on April 14, 1960, in Detroit, Michigan. The name, a portmanteau of motor and town, has also become a nickname for Detroit. Motown played an important role in the racial integration of popular music as an African. Hear all the great Motown and soul hits from legends including Marvin Gaye, Diana Ross The Supremes, Barry White, and more. La musique soul, ou simplement soul, est une musique populaire afroamricaine ayant merg la fin des annes 1950 aux tatsUnis, drive, entre autres, du gospel et du rhythm and blues. Elle est considre par certains comme un retour du rhythm and blues aux racines dont il est issu: le gospel (musique dglise Berry Gordy Jr. founded Motown Records, the most successful black owned music company in the history of the United States. was born on November 28, 1929, in. Soul music: Soul music, term adopted to describe black popular music in the United States as it evolved from the 1950s to the 60s and 70s. Some view soul as merely a new term for rhythm and blues. In fact a new generation of artists profoundly reinterpreted the sounds of. Soul is een muziekstijl die in de jaren vijftig en zestig ontstond uit rhythmandblues en gospelmuziek bij de AfroAmerikaanse bevolking in het zuiden van de Verenigde waren Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, James Brown, Aretha Franklin en Stevie Wonder. Bij soul figureert veelal een zanger(es) met ondersteuning van achtergrondzang en een band met ritmesectie, koperblazers. Motown, in full Motown Record Corporation, also called Hitsville, recording company founded by Berry Gordy, Jr. , in January 1959 that became one of the most successful blackowned businesses and one of the most influential independent record companies in American history. The company gave its name to the hugely popular style of soul music that it created. Motown Records, tambin conocida como TamlaMotown, es una discogrfica estadounidense especialmente dedicada a la msica negra. Originalmente se fund en Detroit (conocida como Motor City, la ciudad del motor, de ah Mot, raz de motor, y town, que significa pueblociudad), y desde entonces ha jugado un papel fundamental en la difusin de la msica popular estadounidense. oldies karaoke music: motown, souls, oldschool, blues, jazz, standards, classics karaoke cds, oldies karaoke downloads Soul music (often referred to simply as soul) is a popular music genre that originated in the African American community in the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It combines elements of AfricanAmerican gospel music, rhythm and blues and jazz. Soul music became popular for dancing and listening in the United States, where record labels such as Motown, Atlantic and Stax were. Soul (em portugus: alma) um gnero musical dos Estados Unidos que nasceu do rhythm and blues e do gospel durante o final da dcada de 1950 e incio da dcada de 1960 entre os negros. [1 Durante a mesma poca, o termo soul j era usado nos Estados Unidos como um adjetivo usado em referncia ao afroamericano, como em soul food (comida de alma). , conosciuta anche come TamlaMotown al di fuori degli Stati Uniti, un'etichetta discografica nata a Detroit, nel Michigan. In pi di mezzo secolo di storia ha raggiunto un vasto successo internazionale e ha svolto un ruolo fondamentale nella diffusione della musica leggera, specie nel settore Rhythm and blues e Soul Online shopping for CDs Vinyl from a great selection of Soul, Funk, Contemporary RB, Motown, Audio Recordings more at everyday low prices. Motowns story is often told by the superstars who helped define the companys sound, particularly the leading female Motown stars you hear about the most The Supremes, Martha The. Check out Motown Gospel In Loving Memory by Various artists on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. FR: 20: 00: Sweet Soul Gospel Revue: Festung Grauer Ort (Open Air) Stade: FR: 20: 00: Soulfinger Sweet Soul Music Show: Schloss Reinach Motown, ou Motown Records, est une compagnie de disques amricaine qui fait partie de Universal Music Group. La Motown a t cre le 12 janvier 1959 par Berry Gordy Dtroit dans le Michigan. Le nom Motown est la contraction de Motor Town, la ville du moteur, le surnom de Dtroit qui tait alors la capitale de la production automobile. dusza) jest popularnym gatunkiem muzyki rozrywkowej powstaym w Stanach Zjednoczonych pod koniec lat 50. czy w sobie elementy murzyskiej muzyki gospel, rhythm and bluesa, a czsto rwnie jazzu. Muzyka soul staa si popularna do taczenia i suchania w Stanach Zjednoczonych, kiedy to wytwrnie takie jak. Soulmusik oder einfach Soul bezeichnet eine Hauptstrmung der afroamerikanischen Unterhaltungsmusik. Sie entwickelte sich Ende der 1950er Jahre aus Rhythm and Blues und Gospel. In den 1960er Jahren war Soul fast das Synonym fr schwarze Popmusik. Eng verknpft ist die Geschichte dieser Stilrichtung mit dem Kampf der USamerikanischen Brgerrechtsbewegung gegen.