Clint Eastwood full list of movies and tv shows in theaters, in production and upcoming films. Clint Eastwood un attore, regista, produttore e compositore statunitense. Ha iniziato la sua carriera cinematografica recitando piccoli camei in film e serie televisive. Ha interpretato pi di 40 film come attore protagonista, ed in molti suoi film interpretati ha partecipato anche come regista, produttore e. Clinton Clint Eastwood (San Francisco, 31 mei 1930) is een Amerikaans filmacteur, filmproducent, filmregisseur en politicus. Eastwood heeft in diverse grote films gespeeld en later ook zelf grote films geregisseerd en geproduceerd. Verder heeft hij zich op latere leeftijd in de politiek begeven, onder andere als burgemeester Clint Eastwood was born May 31, 1930 in San Francisco, the son of Clinton Eastwood Sr. , a manufacturing executive for GeorgiaPacific Corporation, and Ruth Wood, a. Oscar oscar nomination miglior regista Lettere da Iwo Jima. Oscar oscar nomination miglior film Lettere da Iwo Jima. Golden Globe Awards golden globe al miglior. Clint Eastwood est n le 31 mai 1930 San Francisco en Californie. Fils de comptable, il passe la majeure partie de son adolescence Oakland dans la baie de San Francisco. (born May 31, 1930) is an American actor, filmmaker, musician, and political figure. After achieving success in the Western TV series Rawhide, he rose to international fame with his role as the Man with No Name in Sergio Leone's Dollars Trilogy of spaghetti Westerns during the 1960s, and as antihero cop Harry Callahan in the five Dirty Harry films throughout the 1970s and. Clint Eastwood is an American film actor, director, producer, and composer. After beginning his acting career exclusively with small uncredited film roles and television appearances, his career has spanned more than 50 years. (San Francisco, California, 31 de mayo de 1930) es un actor, director, productor, msico y compositor estadounidense. Su primer papel relevante fue como secundario en el reparto de la serie de televisin Rawhide ( ). Alcanz la fama interpretando al Hombre sin nombre en los spaghetti western conocidos como Triloga del dlar que dirigi Sergio Leone. Clint Eastwood, in full Clinton Eastwood, Jr. , (born May 31, 1930, San Francisco, California, U. ), American motionpicture actor who emerged as one of the most popular Hollywood stars in the 1960s and went on to become a prolific and respected directorproducer. Voici la filmographie complte de Clint Eastwood avec la mention du boxoffice, si elle est disponible. Sauf mention contraire ou complmentaire, la filmographie est issue du. Clint Eastwood Finds Commercial and Critical Success (1990s and 2000s) 1992: Unforgiven is Eastwoods 100M comeback hit. After a rocky decade both financially and personally, Eastwood turned it around with big success in the 1990s. Clint Eastwood planowa robi karier sportow. Pasjonowaa go lekkoatletyka, a aktorstwo traktowa jako prac dorywcz. Byo tak do roku 1958, kiedy zosta zaangaowany jako odtwrca jednej z gwnych rl w serialu Rawhide. Clint Eastwood was born May 31, 1930 in San Francisco, the son of Clinton Eastwood Sr. , a manufacturing executive for GeorgiaPacific Corporation, and Ruth Wood, a housewife turned IBM operator. He had a comfortable, middleclass upbringing in nearby Piedmont. mai 1930 i San Francisco i California) er en amerikansk skuespiller, regissr og produsent. Har vunnet flere Oscar for blant annet beste regissr og beste film. With Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones, David Huffman, Warren Clarke. A pilot is sent into the Soviet Union on a mission to steal a prototype jet fighter that can be partially controlled by a neuralink Directing and starring in this classic spy thriller from the eighties is Clint Eastwood, more generally known as the gruff Man With No Name in several spaghetti westerns and American westerns of. Oui, je suis entirement d'accord sur le fait que Clint Eastwood est une personnalit importante du cinma. D'ailleurs, j'ai hte de savoir quel sera son prochain film. (San Francisco, 31 maggio 1930) un attore, regista, produttore cinematografico, compositore e politico statunitense. Vincitore due volte del Premio Oscar per la miglior regia, uno alla memoria Irving G. Thalberg e due come miglior film, 1 Premio Csar, 6 Golden Globe e 4 David di Donatello, Eastwood una delle figure pi celebri e rappresentative della. Clint Eastwood wurde als Sohn des Buchhalters Clinton Eastwood Sr. ( ) und seiner Frau Margaret Ruth Runner ( ) geboren. (So Francisco, 31 de maio de 1930) um ator, cineasta produtor dos Estados Unidos famoso pelos seus papis tpicos em filmes de ao como um cara duro e antiheri, principalmente como o Homem sem nome da Trilogia dos Dlares nos filmes western spaghetti de Sergio Leone dos anos 60, e interpretando o Inspetor 'Dirty' Harry Callahan na srie de filmes. Eastwood har medverkat i ver 50 filmer ver sin karrir, som skdespelare, regissr, producent och kompositr. Han har ven medverkat i flera TVserier, bl. spelade han huvudrollen i TVserien Rawhide. Han regisserade sin frsta film 1971 och debuterade officiellt som producent 1982, med filmen Firefox. Men han hade i praktiken varit medproducent sedan Hng dom hgt 1968, dock utan. Lgende vivante, Clint Eastwood traverse les dcennies et reste l'un des acteurs les plus connus. Il a jou dans une centaine de films, et est galement ralisateur et producteur. Clint Eastwood (prononc en anglais: klnt istwd), n le 31 mai 1930 San Francisco, est un acteur, ralisateur, compositeur et producteur de cinma amricain. Autodidacte, il entre grce des amis au studio Universal o il interprte dabord de petits rles dans des sries B, puis lun des rles phares d'une longue srie, Rawhide..