FTL. This is by far the most important item of HANDWAVIUM technology in Space SF, and is absolutely necessary for the communications, TRADE, and WARFARE of the KNOWN GALAXY. No one, after all, wants to take decades or centuries to get anywhere. For this reason, even HARD SF usually makes an exception for FTL. You just can't leave home without it. Online shopping from a great selection at Books Store. Books Advanced Search New Releases Amazon Charts Best Sellers More The New York Times Best Sellers Children's Books Textbooks Textbook Rentals Sell Us Your Books Best Books of the Month Kindle eBooks Audible Audiobooks Port Manteaux churns out silly new words when you feed it an idea or two. Enter a word (or two) above and you'll get back a bunch of portmanteaux created by jamming together words that are conceptually related to your inputs. For example, enter giraffe and you'll get. Trivia Even though the production of the show went on continuously between seasons three and four, it had a year hiatus from airing when it was dropped by FOX, and picked up by Syfy, making the airing years (, ). I provide advice about how to write novels, comic books and graphic novels. Most of my content applies to fictionwriting in general, but I also provide articles specifically about superhero stories. Superstrength Cliffjumper (Cliff to his chums) isn't your runofthemill Autobot freedom fighter. Armed with sixcylinder ion cannons, a quantumsensitive multiphase targeting system that would make Megatron jealous, and of course, the oldschool technique of pummeling Decepticons with his fists, Cliffjumper prefers to liven up the day with firefights while retrieving enemy intelligence. Topic Area Search and browse our historical collection to find news, notices of births, marriages and deaths, sports, comics, and much more Show Trivia (Magnum P. com)The Numbers: 8 seasons; 162 syndicated episodes (148 onehour episodes, 7 twohour episodes); 122 hours of footage; 14 awards (2 Emmys, 2 Golden Globes, 1 Edgar, 6 People's Choice), 30 additional nominations (13 Emmys, 11 Golden Globes); Avg. season Nielsen ranking (17); Highest season Nielsen ranking (3) Season 3; Number of. M is a fictional character in Ian Fleming's James Bond books and films; the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Servicealso known as MI6and Bond's superior. Fleming based the character on a number of people he knew who commanded sections of British intelligence. M has appeared in the novels by Fleming and seven continuation authors, as well as in twentyfour films. In all of the tables in this document, both the pre2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. This list describes notable novels and short stories in which time travel is central to the plot or the premise of the work. Works created prior to the 18th century are listed in Time travel History of the time travel concept. The Notorious Benedict Arnold; A True Story of Adventure, Heroism, Treachery The Notorious Benedict Arnold; A True Story of Adventure, Heroism, Treachery is a historic, nonfiction book written by Steve Sheinkin, an Arnold fanatic. Dear Twitpic Community thank you for all the wonderful photos you have taken over the years. We have now placed Twitpic in an archived state. What follows is a list of 200 of my favorite adventure novels published during the Nineteenth Century (, according to my eccentric but persuasive periodization schema) and during the Twentieth Centurys first eight decades ( ). Finally will travel again with my idol, Professor Dan Brown Robert Langdon. With an unfamiliar world to him, the world of Modern Art, and on a quest to answer two of the most profound questions in human history. Ironhide is one of the oldest and toughest Autobots, and has been on Optimus Prime's team for a long time. They don't make them like they used to is an apt description of Ironhidehe's yesterday's model, but he's built to last. Gruff and ornery, he prefers actions to words, and dislikes talk for talk's sake. Keith Baker Keith Baker is an awardwinning game designer and author best known for creating the Eberron Campaign Setting for Dungeons Dragons. He has also designed numerous bestselling board games such as Gloom, Cthulu Fluxx, and this year the games Illimat and Action Cats through his publishing company Twogether Studios. 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