• There's a whole lotta Jerry Lee Lewis news goin' on today. First, a new book about his life, Jerry Lee Lewis: His Own Story, just went on sale. Jerry Lewis, nome artstico de Joseph Levitch (Newark, 16 de maro de 1926 Las Vegas, 20 de agosto de 2017), foi um comediante, roteirista, produtor, diretor e cantor norteamericano. Tornouse famoso por suas comdias estilo pastelo feita nos palcos, filmes, programas de rdio e TV e em suas msicas. Lewis tambm conhecido por seu programa beneficente anual, o Jerry Lewis MDA. A Vintage Version of the Song Great Balls of Fire. The life of Jerry Lee Lewis is one of the most dramatic and tormented in rock 'n' roll history. Hellfire is a wild, riveting, and beautifully written biography that received universal acclaim on its original publication and remains one of the most remarkable biographies ever written. Jerry Lee Lewis (Ferriday, 29 settembre 1935) un autore, cantante e pianista statunitense. riconosciuto tra i padri del rock n'roll con un posto nella Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nel 1986 ed uno nella Rockabilly Hall of Fame. stato soprannominato The Killer per il suo modo selvaggio, anticonformista e ribelle di esibirsi dal vivo. Inoltre considerato uno dei Re del Rock and Roll. Jerry Lee Lewis wurde 1935 in dem kleinen Ort Ferriday in Louisiana geboren und wuchs in rmlichen Verhltnissen auf. Trotzdem war es den Eltern Elmo und Mamie Lewis mglich, fr ihren Sohn ein Klavier zu kaufen. des infos, des photos, des concerts, des adresses, des liens N dans une famille pauvre, Jerry Lee Lewis dveloppe sa propre approche, froce, du piano ds l'ge de 10 ans, synthtisant les sons du Boogiewoogie quil coute la radio avec le rhythm and blues du Sud qui mane du Haneys Big House, un juke joint (bote de nuit o se joue le Delta blues dans le delta du Mississippi) possd par son oncle. Jerry Lee Lewis (Ferriday (), 29 september 1935) is een Amerikaanse countryen rock'nrollzanger en pianist. Hij is een van de pioniers van de rock'nroll, en kreeg daarom in 1986 als een van de allereerste artiesten een plaatsje in de Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Vanwege zijn pionierschap voor de rockabilly kreeg hij ook in die Hall of Fame een eervolle vermelding. 29 wrzenia 1935 w Ferriday, Luizjana) amerykaski piosenkarz, autor tekstw i pianista znany rwnie jako Killer. Uwaany za jednego z pionierw rockabilly i rock and rolla. Podobnie jak Elvis Presley, dorasta piewajc chrzecijask muzyk gospel w poudniowych kocioach rozpocz w 1956 r. Jerry Lee Lewis Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29th, 1935, in Ferriday, Louisiana. He began playing the piano at age 9, copying the styles of preachers and. Jerry Lewis (born Joseph Levitch, March 16, 1926 August 20, 2017) was an American comedian, actor, singer, director, producer, screenwriter and humanitarian. He was known widely for his slapstick humor in film, television, stage, radio and recording and was nicknamed the King of Comedy. In 1946, Lewis met and teamed with singer Dean Martin and for the next 10 years, they were the top. The wild man of rock roll, Jerry Lee Lewis (born September 29th, 1935) has had an incredible career for over six decades, bursting into fame, falling out of favour then returning the fore, creating one of the most eclectic and fascinating collections of recorded music. Jerry Lee Lewis (Ferriday, Luisiana, 29 de septiembre de 1935) es un pianista y cantante estadounidense, pionero del Rock and Roll. Apodado The Killer (El Asesino) por su fuerte personalidad y su puesta en escena, y tras ser considerado una seria alternativa frente a Elvis Presley, el Rey del Rock, su popularidad decay durante los aos sesenta y setenta por diversos escndalos. Jerry Lee Lewis (born September 29, 1935) is an American singersongwriter, musician, and pianist, often known by his nickname, The Killer. He has been described as rock roll's first great wild man. A pioneer of rock and roll and rockabilly music, Lewis made his first recordings in 1956 at Sun Records in Memphis. Crazy Arms sold 300, 000 copies in the South, but it was his 1957 hit Whole. Lyrics to 'Middle Aged Crazy' by Jerry Lee Lewis. Today he traded his big '98 Oldsmobile He got a heck of a deal on a new Porsche car He ain't wearing his Lyrics to 'Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On' by Jerry Lee Lewis. Jerry Lewis, echte naam Joseph Levitch (Newark (New Jersey), 16 maart 1926 Las Vegas, 20 augustus 2017) was een Amerikaans film komiek, regisseur en producent van Joodse komaf, bekend om zijn slapstickhumor. Hij vormde tussen 1946 en 1956 een populair komisch duo met Dean Martin. Lewis was tevens bekend om zijn inzet voor de Muscular Dystrophy Association, een. US Country singer from Texas: US Rockabilly group: US Rockabilly singer from Georgia: US Rock 'n' Roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis (fdt 29. september 1935 i Ferriday i Louisiana i USA) er en amerikansk musiker, sangskriver og pianist, ogs kjent som The Killer. Jerry Lee Lewis, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Queen e mais Blues. John Mayer, Ray Charles, BB King, John Lee Hooker e mais Als Hommage an den wohl wildesten Pianisten aller Zeiten Jerry Lee Lewis hat sich das Jerry Ree Lewis Trio zusammen gefunden, um den RocknRoll der 50er Jahre aufleben zu lassen. Das Programm enthlt die bekannten Klassiker High school confidential, Great balls of fire, Whole lotta shakin goin on sowie den Lewis Boogie. One of Rolling Stone's 10 Best Music Books of the Year. For nearly sixty years, Jerry Lee Lewis has been a monumental figure in American life. He electrified the world with hits like Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On, Great Balls of Fire, and Breathless..